Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Caring Continum


Can't work out much; things that need to be done had been done.

Waiting time is tiring and we couldn't care less. (In fact we care less)

Quoted from this side: "In order for one to "care less" about a subject, they must first care about it somewhat. Saying "I could care less about ... " does indeed imply, nay dictate, that there is some degree of care." --

So, instead of care less about a subject.. we must first care about it. :P such a complicated language huh.

Here are some visual explanation that I copy from the same site mentioned above:

Great job of the author to visualize this caring continuum.

After reading Frida's blog, I realize that I haven't do much of cooking since I'm back from Uni. Well, cooking nice meal is one kind of relaxation and satisfaction provided that the floor is on yours.

I miss Chicken Chop or any western food in KL. Easily we can get it from Steven Corner (It must be from up-town :D) or hanging around at PJ or Precint 9.....

I shall learn how to make a nice chicken chop then... hehe This will be more constructive :D

* Hungry now... going off for Maggi-mee time.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Zac & Kelice's Wedding

No doubt, it was a tiring weekend to both of us. (Fred & me) Well, this project we have been through quite a tough time and dealing with the commitment issue about our partnership. However, we still manage to produce what we have to and we think of our client first (and always) though we have complaint to each other quite a lot :P

**We charged them super cheap price which we plan to increase it bit so our "art-work" worth the VALUE.

Overall, it was a nice event and personally I enjoy most while watching the finishing work. It might not have super good composition but I can sense the warmth feeling from inside-out of the family members.

Bottom (Right): Video-man gave a sign to hold everyone attention as he will panning his camera for every group session. Very cool "uncle" but funny in some way.
(Left): Interior of Rosberry restaurant with a stunning 4 layers wedding cake.

Bottom (left): Kelice greeted guest at entrance.

There are few more shots from Fred and myself will be posting in Le Frame's flickr page soon. Feel free to leave your comment.

"I declared 2 months break!"

I've on-hold my studies for 2 months due to some unexpected work especially my college's work that I need to triple up the time and energy. On top of this, nowadays the weather was killing me. This is the longest duration that I can't recover from cough and flu. *perhaps I'm old enought not to recover soon like I'm teenager time. Haha. I need to graduate on time no matter how! (=.=")

The "Hut" - lighting chapter

Well, quite some progress on the renovation and hunting for lighting. (plus wiring service) Everything come with cost, where nice lighting isn't cheap. Anyway, I've tried my best to choose for the long lasting design and quality bulb. I'll post the photos of the lighting in my next post after the installation. :D


Well, as summary of the whole month; I really need a fast lense or better camera body because I'm quite frustrated when dealing with low light scene and my ISO1600 give so much of noise.
But, I've been spending lot this year in many things. I guess, there shall be a "comma" at this moment unless I receive more wedding job then :D

With cheers,
Little Bird