Monday, June 30, 2008


Looking up
Good Golden
Showing Tongue, originally uploaded by cathy_yong.

This is my family dog, we named it Golden! *It does have some brownish kind of fur with him.

I've attempted to take few shots on him and yet he is such a camera shy dog. Whenever I point my camera to him, he will just turn away his head. =.= He is not even shy but he is a quiet dog, only bark when the stranger is nearby our house. So, he actually knows that why waste energy bark unnecessary. hahah

Anyway, this was one of the closer shot that I've with him last Saturday. *by bit of force: P My hand was holding his jaw.

From what I noticed, Golden has some black spot in his tongue. Mom said, dog with black spots in his tongue is generally not greedy in eating (munching habit). Well, Golden only has 1 meal per day and he eats like vacuum cleaning up the bowl. hehe. *clean & clear

In-support of loving & caring your pet,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heyyyy~ Cathy! Good to see that you've set up a blog as well~! *grins*

Glad to hear that you've recieved my card. Kept thinking of posting it, but somehow something always happens.... so, 1 year late... *blush* Better late than never eh? *grins*

I'll email you my address if you want! Will chat longer there~
